Monthly Archives: January 2012

Words of Hope

If you exercise your mind, your spirit will never get old. Lord GOD, give me the ability to rise above my worldly burdens and ability to always make things a little better.

Words of Hope

Believing in yourself in a world that often tells you that your not good enough is not easy, but BELIEVE ANYWAY. When you find yourself in circumstances that the outcome appears unfavorable, BELIEVE ANYWAY. When you’ve given your all and given up seems like the next logical step, KEEP BELIEVING. AND if your faith is getting weak, and the strength to  keep going forward is wavering, trust that the God that you have been believing in all along will not let you fall. Lord, I will believe in you even when believing appears crazy.

Words of Hope

Remember that your life has a value, don’t waste your worth on things and people that lower your value. Lord, give me eyes to see that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.


Words of Hope

Talent is the ability to do easily that which others find difficult.  Lord, help me to recognize and value the abilities that I have been given and use them gratefully.

Words of Hope

The important thing is not how long your life is, but how good your life is. Lord, may I glorify You all the days of my life.

Live the Dream

A New Perspective

On yesterday I was humbled as I found myself in the Doctor’s office getting my eyes checked. The optometrists quickly told me that I was no longer legally able to drive without glasses because my vision had stumbled to 20/50. My right eye was a strong but my left eye was failing fast!!! As the doctor tried out different prescriptions letters on the wall started become clearer and clearer, until I was able to see every detail on the chart with clarity.

Is the situation or our perspective? I began to notice that the TV was a little blurry, labels were harder to read and things far away tended to fade into the darkness. At first, like most of us do I thought the TV was acting up, the labels were getting smaller etc.. In our lives we have a tendency to blame everything and everyone but ourselves. It’s my mother in laws fault, my wife’s fault, it’s the kids, is the job, it’s the fraternity. But like me, we must, we have to take a look at ourselves.

As I stopped and I looked at my situation, not being able to see as clear as I would have liked.  I placed the prescribed glasses on my face, my environment that was once blurry, hard to see, hard to understand, became clear. I found a new sense of perspective, understanding, everything made sense. The TV was amazingly clear again and road signs made sense.

My glasses now serve as a tool to help me see clearly. In life’s situations what we must do is involve God, to make sure our perspective is clear. Our situations and circumstances seem impossible because when we live our lives without God. Basically we are living with partial vision.  God brings clarity to unclear situations. God offers you a new perspective. Just like me putting on those glasses and looking up and seeing all the letters that were once blurry, invoking God through pray, reflection, will bring you a newfound clarity and perspective.


So brothers, if you’re dealing with situations right now and you don’t see a way out I offer you to change your perspective. The story about Saul before he came Paul offers a perfect example. God changed his perspective and removed the scales from his eyes so he can see clearly. Right now life may seem a little unclear and your situation or circumstance is blocking you from seeing clearly.  Be assured that just like me and just like Saul, God can bring clarity and a new perspective.

But most importantly like glasses you have to put them on. You can have glasses and know that they’re there, but if you don’t use them they are useless. So stop, place God in your situation, make God an active participant in your life and gain a new perspective.

This year we can accomplish the impossible together but we must change our perspective on life .I am adamant that this will happen once we include God and change our perspective.

Scripture Reference Acts 9:18.

Words of Hope

Today’s Inspiration
Everyone is important; very important. Lord, help me to always treat those in my life with respect and speak with a gentle heart.
