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As You Are….. 

No need to be perfect, be willing and let God do the rests  


Daily Words of Hope

Determination and faith will carry you through to your goals.  Lord, You and I together can do great things.

Words of Hope

They that wait unto the lord shall renew their strength, when these words were written in the book of Isaiah who knew that waiting would be so hard. Sometimes it’s hard to wait for God to reveal the plan for our lives, or a blessing, or that thing we have been praying for, but in waiting the writer tells us we get stronger. I know that you may feel like giving up and God seems to be taken his precious time as you wait, but I beg you don’t give up or quit. Waiting does not equal stagnation or lack of action. As we wait on a particular thing we should keep living for God, keep striving in life and keep progressing. As we continually push forward we may just accomplish or get that thing we have been waiting on or realize that we didn’t need that thing we have been waiting on to live an abundant life. So if you were waiting for God’s promise in your life by sitting on the sidelines, I urge you to get up and continue to live.  Lord give me the strength to keep moving while I wait on you.

Daily Words of Hope

Be creative in what you have to do today to bring enjoyment to this moment and make your work will feel less like work.  Lord Jehovah, help me become inspirational in my ordinary responsibilities so that I am able to make my place more interesting and exciting.

Happy Good Friday

Happy Good Friday, what’s good about today you may ask? Most of the time when we say it’s a good friday, we are happy to be finished with a hard week at work, anticipating socializing with friends, or we are reminiscing old times. However, today throughout the world people are celebrating “Good Friday”, but on this day, a man,  was mocked and unjustly crucified. A week prior he was lauded by hundreds, but all those people turned on him. He was betrayed by one of his closest friends and denied by another. His mother was forced to watch him die on a old rugged cross. This man did not even have his own tomb, and was placed in a borrowed tomb. He bore a violent death, unjustly.

We can all think of people that have died unjustly or violently. Acts of violence are never acceptable, but they touch our heart and souls when innocent people are the victim. Around the world people are greifing for love ones that have been killed, by stray bullets, terror attacks, police etc. It’s hard to reconcile why these events happen. They simply make no sense. But in the aforementioned case, the man who was crucifed on the Cross died for a specific reason. And that reason is us, you and I.

As we reflect on today we are not celebrating the act of murder, but we are more appreciative that Jesus Christ chose to sacrifice himself for the remission of our sins. It was a selfless act that will never loose power. It was and is a good friday, becuase of this act, we are free and have access to grace and forgiveness. We have a blessed assurance that when we pray, that we are praying to a savior that understand the struggles of this world.

So its a Good Friday, because on this Friday all of our debts were paid, and we are free to live abundantly in Christ.

1 Peter 2:21-25

The Message (MSG)

21-25This is the kind of life you’ve been invited into, the kind of life Christ lived. He suffered everything that came his way so you would know that it could be done, and also know how to do it, step-by-step.
He never did one thing wrong,    Not once said anything amiss. They called him every name in the book and he said nothing back. He suffered in silence, content to let God set things right. He used his servant body to carry our sins to the Cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wounds became your healing. You were lost sheep with no idea who you were or where you were going. Now you’re named and kept for good by the Shepherd of your souls.

Words of Hope

It is far wiser to ask God for what is good for us, than for what we think is good for us. Lord GOD, Your Will not mine be done.

Words of Hope

Beleive in yourself even when other’s dont. Lord give me the power to believe.

Words of Hope

Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Peace and Joy are some of the priceless attributes of life. Money, talent, friends or material possessions will not guarantee peace or joy. However Peace and Joy are continues benefits of a relationship with God. Lord, show me how I can live a committed  life.