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Words of Hope

If you feel like giving up, your tired, and distressed, remember that you are not alone. Hold on with every bit of energy that you have left and keep pushing. Together we can make it. Finish this Week Strong. Lord, With you I can and will make it trough.

Daily Words of Hope

Today, we have made to the half way mark of the week, don’t you dear give up on your dreams, hopes and goals that you have set for this week, because God has not forgotten about you. Keep hope alive.

Daily Words of Hope

Be creative in what you have to do today to bring enjoyment to this moment and make your work will feel less like work.  Lord Jehovah, help me become inspirational in my ordinary responsibilities so that I am able to make my place more interesting and exciting.

Words of Hope

Faith is the substance of things hope for the evidenced of things not seen. Having faith faith implies having hope, they are insuperable ideas. Lord give me the wisdom to align my beliefs, wants and desires.

Words of Hope

Our thoughts have a powerful effect on our bodies.  Lord GOD, may my thoughts be wholesome and loving and bear good results on me and my life.

Grace: A Word From Our Senior Pastor


Our theme for the month of March  continues to be: “The Gift of Grace” from the text: Ephesians 2:8-10.
In this text, the apostle Paul makes two bold, deliberate and life-changing declarations:

  1. You are saved.
  2. You are God’s workmanship.

Firstly, you are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, and to God alone be all the glory. Like so many today, I didn’t always understand, nor appreciate this truth. I grew up in an era where salvation was a set of do’s and dont’s – more dont’s than do’s. Consequently, like so many of my peers, I served God out of fear of losing what I thought I could lose. Hence, in the process I lost the joy of living. But now, I know that God loves me too much to have me living on the ‘edge’ – in doubt – in fear. “For God has not giving us the spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of a sound mind.” In fact, I now know that there is no fear in love; for perfect love casts out fear. I am now free to live the abundant life – life to the fullest, with joy!

Secondly, you are God’s workmanship created unto good works. It’s truly amazing that we who were once slaves to sin are now created – born anew – given a new nature that not only gives us a desire to do good, but actually enables us to do good. Wow! For as the Word declares: “It is God who works in us: both to will, and to do of His own good pleasure.”

So then, we no longer serve God out fear, but out of love. As the writer says, “We love Him because He first loved us  … His love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit … teaching us to love one another.” We no longer think too much or too little of ourselves. We rather confess that we are ALL that God says we are, we can do ALL that God says we can do – we are are His workmaship! We do not write off anyone. As recipients of grace, we cannot help being gracious to others.

By. Rev. Dr. Melvin A. Turnbull, Senior Pastor

Words of Hope

Beleive in yourself even when other’s dont. Lord give me the power to believe.

Daily Words of Hope